This pinblock has gone through dry fitting and adjustments in piano, ready to be glued in. Apply epoxy on glue surface. We use Westsystem Epoxy. It is very toxic so a N95 mask or respirator is necessary. Use the plate and vertical clamping pressure to press down pinblock. Use stretcher protecting board for the horizontal clamps to grab on. The Tape & Drape at bass and treble helps protect surface from glue squeeze-out. The jack in the middle pushes up pinblock to be flush to the under surface on stretcher. But before this, we made sure the stretcher is not bowed. If the stretcher is bowed up or downwards, it needs to be clamp-pressed to be flush to the under surface of pinblock. The next morning, epoxy is dried. use heat gun to soften squeeze-out on top then chisel off. Drill and glue in dowel from pinblock to case and stretcher to strengthen the bond. The glue is dry usually in an hour. Trim the extending part of dowels when glue dries.
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January 2025