The lyre was water damaged. Rust everywhere. Felt on metal turned into rust and ate chunks off metal pieces. Use bead blaster to remove rust. The surface on brass pedals didn't look so well after blasting (left piece in middle picture), Scotch-Brite could put some even grain on it (mid and right pieces in middle picture). Screws are grabbed onto drill press. Turn press on, press down lightly onto sand paper glued on backing boards, the screw surface will be clean with less effort, thanks to our boss. Spray a coat of finish on metal to prevent or slow them from rusting again. Open up the cup on rare end of pedals with 1/2 drill bit or mill, cut and insert leather disk, then fuel hose. The fuel hose is very resilient and strong. Hopefully it'll last for a very long time. If using rubber, it may harden in several years. Remove old raviolis from bottom board, drill for carpet tacks with a very thin bit, fasten new raviolis. Remove old felt at the back of lyre where pedals stick out, glue on new felt. Remove felt on pedal rod guide rail, rebush with new felt. If replacing screws but couldn't find new screws at the same size, replace with bigger screws and tap for it. Also make sure pilot holes for bigger screws are opened up with a drill. Reassemble parts, make sure screws are tight, pedals with no side play but rotates up and down firmly.
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January 2025