The old pin block on this Mason&Hamlin AA does not hold tuning pins tight anymore. It will be replaced. The original one has 8+ layers of hardwood, possibly maple. We are able to make a 5 layer panel with wood grains 90 degrees between each layer. Jude, the shop owner, and Ellie, our summer apprentice, milled and put together the five layers of hard maple. Since our press is small, the big panel is cut into two pin blocks, narrow on the bass and wide at treble. The wood is placed into a cast iron tray, then the press. There's sufficient glue between each layer and between cross pieces. Tighten the small piece of cast iron in front to push cross pieces tight together in the press. The air pumps push the pin block tight from top. One day we'll have a bigger air press so we don't need to cut the penal in half before gluing layers together. One day... 2 days later, the pin blocked is removed from press and let dry in room temperature. Five layers nice and tight. It doesn't look pretty for now. It'll look much better after milling in the future.
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January 2025