The router bit maintenance is usually ignored. Whenever picking up a bit, it is filled with dust, gum, and pitch. John Cameron showed us his maintenance method. Combining his teaching and our experience, here is what we are currently doing to keep the bits sharp as long as possible. First, brush off stuff from the router bit surface, spray on cleaner and keep brushing off as much stuff as you can. The cleaner we use is called CMT Formula 2050 Blade & Bit Cleaner. John is currently using oven cleaner for it. But he said once he's done with it, he would start using a standard cleaner. Second, use a razorblade to scrape off stubborn gum from the router bit blade and on top of the bearing. Finish cleaning with a rag. Third, lay a file on top of the router bit blade, make sure it is not tilted. Rub the file against the blade for several times to sharpen it. Be careful of each stroke, keep the file flat against the blade. The router bits shall be cleaned regularly, ideally at the end of each day, if you are using them often. The wood chip and gum can do damage on the metal for sure. Also, always wear gloves doing this job as suggested by many woodworkers.
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January 2025