Years ago, I adopted my first cat in life from Cape Ann Animal Aid. Her name was Lily, a strong willed stray who didn't like being around any feline. She taught me how to catch a mouse, how not to give up our own personality, how to be resilient, how to deal with any unwanted surprises, how to..., and how to live. Because of her, I started volunteer at Cape Ann Animal Aid.
The original recipe is from Lori at My Quiet Kitchen. She uses oatmeal to thicken the batter. What a discovery! We don't have any grinder nor ice cream maker at home. Elbow grease is applied during this first time ice cream adventure.
A local high school scheduled a tuning service on Saturday morning. It was easier to concentrate without students around, although they are very hardworking young adults. Actually they are the most dedicated music students I've ever seen in schools that we provide piano tuning service.
Having been working around pianos for 8 years, I barely thought about honing the hand woodworking skill. Most of the job is done by machine, routers, plane, jointer, drills, sander, etc.
A few years ago, I came to a new tuning customer's furniture workshop to tune his piano, an old, beat up, dusty Baldwin grand. There were all sort of wood, veneers, hand tools, you name it. Somehow after tuning, we started a conversation. He showed me the new Chinese Ming Dynasty table that he just made a model of. This is the first time making dumplings all by myself since...when I was dumped out of mom's belly. The reason is to share the Chinese culture and the feelings deeply in the soul with my beloved one. The video above is made by my favorite home chef, who is originally from Xi'an, the ancient capital of China. She is living in Canada now. I tried to follow her instruction. Here is what happened.
This formula can be used with just lemon, lime, or a combination. The ratio of ingredients by weight is - Juice : Brown Sugar : Water : Rum = 1 : 1-1/4 : 4 : 1/3
This Anadama (“Anna, Damn her!”) bread was created about 200 years ago in Rockport MA. The history can be found on New England Today, A Taste of History with Joyce White, and more places. This loaf is made with whole wheat flour out of Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads. The recipe is doubled to make 2 loaves here.
The following is a pan fried veggie box or pocket video. Both grandma and mom love to make it all year round with whatever vegetable available in the fridge. It is the holiday season, a time we miss our families so deeply. Well let's make something from home, Beijing China, to comfort the soul and tummy. I grew up in Beijing, China. This little cookie 桃(Tao-walnut)酥(Su-flaky and Crisp) is a staple at home but only during holiday season when the whole family get together around grandparents' dinning table. Yes the Chinese holidays are or were all about family time. Sadly now it is more about buying things. The traditional formula is with lard. Here is a vegan version.
Hiking friend Joe and I decided to hike the last 14 miles of Bay Circuit Trail north for his fund racing marathon training. We car spotted from Willowdale State Forest in Ipswich to northern terminus of the trail at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge in Newburyport. It was mostly road walking with some trails in the woods. But boy it was so beautiful especially on a sunny day like this.